Cannon Mountain, View From Hi-Cannon Trail |
The trailhead for the Hi-Cannon Trail, our route of choice to the top of the mountain that once housed the famous profile face of New Hampshire lore, is located just fifteen minutes from the Kancamagus Lodge. Thus, our second 4 AM awakening got us to the start point a few minutes before 5 AM. Our plan called for a quick up-and-back to be completed by the late morning, in time for a much-needed visit to
Polly's Pancake Parlor in nearby Sugar Hill. Mmmmmmm... Blueberry Corn.
The Ladder, Hi-Cannon Trail |
We parked at the Lafayette Campground just off the interstate and zipped quietly through the occupied campsites. As expected, everyone was still fast asleep. Most routes up to Cannon -- save the tramway -- are pretty darn steep. Hi-Cannon proved to be no exception, with a number of vertical, vertigo-inducing sections including a ladder bolted into a section of rock.
View to the West From Hi-Cannon Trail, Lonesome Lake and Hut |
After gaining elevation, we stopped at one of the first overlooks on the trail and were fortunate to glass a moose mulling about on the edge of Lonesome Lake. A great sighting, and one that reinforces the fact that you have to get out really early if you want to see these reclusive, majestic animals in the flesh. We wondered if the hut visitors were also observing the moose from the other side of the lake. Nah... Probably still sleeping.
Weathered Sign, Hi-Cannon Trail |
After a two hour climb, we took a short break under the observation deck eyesore at the summit. The wind had picked up -- a big change from the day before -- so we found a sheltered place below a retaining wall where we consumed a few clif bars and some dried fruit. For the descent, we chose to head southwest along the Kinsman Ridge Trail and down to Lonesome Lake, then back to the car via the long, easy switchback that connects Lafayette Camp to the hut. The plan had merit... until we realized that the section of Kinsman Ridge leading from Cannon Mountain is super steep. We toughed it out and were back down by 10 AM. Just in time for Polly's.
Peak: Cannon Mountain
Elevation: 4,100 feet (Gain: 2,500 feet)
Distance: 5.5 mile
Route: Up and back, via Lonesome Lake Trail, Hi-Cannon Trail, Kinsman Ridge Trail
Conditions: Mostly Sunny, 70 degrees F
Notable Fauna: Moose sighting